Tuesday, August 27, 2013

En liten oppdatering


Det nærmer seg. Jeg har sagt farvel til mange, og er for tiden hjemme hos familien i Stavanger. Jeg bruker tiden på å treffe folk, gjøre noen siste praktiske forberedelser, og bruke tid for meg selv og med Gud. Jeg har også fått vite mer om hva neste år vil innebære, og ønsker å dele dette med dere!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Nearly there...

Friends! It has been a long time since I have posted anything here. But now my departure is closing in, and I have had some thoughts during the summer that I want to share with you.

A couple of weeks ago I was sitting at the dock by our cabin in the west coast of Norway. It was quiet, something I hadn't experienced for a many, many weeks. That's some of the things I like the most about that place. The quietness. I thought about my summer, which has been almost an endless run of new experiences, where I have spent time with a lot of people in a lot of places (even in southeast-Asia), and I have gotten friends from all over the world. Even some from the Georgia-area where I'm heading!