Monday, April 28, 2014

A moment of gratefulness / Et øyeblikk av takknemlighet

Hello blog-readers / Hei bloggen!

Sometimes you get the opportunity to stop up and realize what you are a part of, and how thankful you are. No matter how your day or week has been, no matter the circumstances, it still does something to you when you take the time to do that. I got the opportunity to do that when we where writing thank-you cards to the board of Mission Year for the April Month Match, where they double the donations we receive. I tried to write a poem, but it proved to be harder than I thought, so I just wrote what I wanted to put in the poem. And I wanted to share that with you.

Noen ganger får du muligheten til å stoppe opp og innse hva du er en del av, og hvor takknemlig du er. Uansett hvordan dagen eller uka di har vært, uansett omstendighetene, så gjør det fortsatt noe med deg når du tar deg tid til å gjøre det. Jeg fikk muligheten til å gjøre dette når vi skulle skrive takkekort til styret i Mission Year for the April Month Match, der styret dobler donasjonene vi mottar. Jeg prøvde å skrive et kort, men fikk det liksom ikke helt til, så jeg skrev heller om det jeg hadde lyst til å putte i diktet. Og jeg ønsket å dele dette med dere.


I wanted to write a poem to show
How much this year has meant to me.
A 26-year old guy from overseas
That have seen theory unfuld into praxis
That have learned more about God from neighbours, homeless youth and church friends
Than he can ever teach them
Where God’s interruptive grace have just shown up in himself and in lives around him.

But I didn’t get the syllables and rhymes right.
So I just wanted to say thank you for helping making this possible for me, my team and my city.
I’m really, really grateful.

Guds fred,
- Fredrik

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